The global economic meltdown (and drought) created such anguish amongst populations, that our short sighted leaders, wanting to hold on to their positions, allowed a war to develop.
In the year 2009, a war broke out, the combatants were the usual: Lebanon, Gaza and this time Syria, Israel found itself under a rain of missiles. The USA had its hands full with an Iran that was far more powerful than anyone expected.
None of the NATO countries came to Israels aid or to the USAs.
The leadership in America was in open civil war. The Generals were totally against military action for political reasons, and that their troops were already exhausted . Both Israel and the USA fired nuclear weapons, however they were shot down before getting to their destination. Still they caused nuclear fallout, one affected northern Israel, the other the entire Gulf region.
Iran announced it had vacuum bombs and was prepared to use them. Once the war had proceeded for three days China and Russia came out in open support for Syria and Iran.
Israelis were bunkered down in cellars and air raid shelters, and everyone agreed that they had always said it is not possible to rely on others.
That the Arabs were able to fight so hard was not as big a surprise as their propaganda machine. The airwaves in English and Hebrew were denouncing the Zionist conspiracies. Accusing the Jewish elite of masterminding 9/11, of creating the holocaust out of thin air, and generally performing terrorist acts as false flags.
They not only undermined the christian support for Israel, but also the Jewish support. The Israelis fought hard, but they were outnumbered and out gunned, in the end they settled for an enclave that resembled the 1948 borders.
Americas Gulf presence suffered devastation, and a coup took place in the USA. All the remaining American troops came back to America.
That ends part 1 of this fairy tale.
Part 2 of this fairy tale, is about a Jewish revolt: The Jews said: take your money, take your hierarchy and your Zionism and stick it up your jumpa.
The Neocon Jews of America were able to go to Israel, but they were not very welcome, they were seen as the culprits for conflict. Iran offered them sanctuary, and ironically many of them accepted.
This precipitated the collapse of the Jewish financiers in Europe, Russia and the USA. Globalisation died, there was no more IMF or World Bank, lending and borrowing went out of favour. Self reliance became fashionable. And Governments regained their authority and started bartering with each other.